Novacart China began its activity in 2016 in China. We specialize in the production of paper baking molds, baking cups, service and presentation items for food use. Our products are available in different shapes and sizes and are made in pure cellulose paper and cardboard.
Solutions and services
Novacart China is specialized in the manufacture of paper and cardboard products for food baking. We also produce display and presentation items for sale and service, responding to different market demands.
- 员工人数 0
- 世界各国分公司 0
- 生产基地 0
- 商业和物流 0
- 烘焙模具 137.525.000
- 烘焙纸杯 1.604.458.328
- 其他产品 229.208.333

Environmental Sustainability

Novacart China has obtained the most important certifications for quality, safety and transparency. From raw materials supply to the delivery of finished products, the entire production process is punctuated by strict internal and international external checks.

We believe in innovation and continuous growth: research of new materials and technologies has always been a stimulus and challenge for Novacart Group.
发现 展会预告We believe in the importance of moments of confrontation with customers. Check out the upcoming trade shows Novacart Group companies will be attending.
Shenzhen 24/04/2025 -
26/04/2025 SIGEP China Stand 1-A40SIGEP China - Shenzhen
24/04/2025 - 26/04/2025
Stand 1-A40 -
Indianapolis 13/05/2025 -
15/05/2025 Sweet & Snacks Level 2, Booth 7316Sweet & Snacks - Indianapolis
13/05/2025 - 15/05/2025
Level 2, Booth 7316